Eating Healthy While Traveling

Eating Healthy While Traveling

The holidays are here and perhaps you’re planning to travel this season. No matter your destination and length of stay, you don’t have to set aside your health goals or leave it to chance.

As a personal trainer and wellness coach, I love sharing creative food ideas to help my clients skip the convenient, quick-grab foods and stay on track with their goals.

Planning ahead is one of the most important things you can do for your health, at home and away. These simple tips will help you prepare before your trip.


This prevents you from becoming a “hangry junk food seeker” and can also hold you over until you’re able to stop at a proper grocery store for real food.

Here are some of my favorite on-the-go snacks to have on hand in your bag and/or portable cooler:

  • Fresh fruit or boiled eggs (If using a cooler, eat them within a couple of hours. Don’t forget the ice packs!)
  • Unsalted nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, etc.)
  • Dried or freeze-dried fruit
  • Protein-rich organic bars with ingredients you can pronounce (or make your own)
  • Sliced veggies: carrots, celery, cucumber, broccoli, etc. with a dip such as hummus, guacamole, healthy salad dressing, etc.
  • Good quality granola cereal such as Purely Elizabeth varieties
  • Savory snacks like roasted chickpeas
  • High-quality protein powder to make your own smoothies (pack a mini blender if needed)
  • Water! Bring your own case. If flying, carry an empty stainless steel water bottle to fill up after you’ve passed through airport security.

PRO TIP: If staying in a hotel, request a room with a mini-fridge. This will help you store some of your healthy snacks and groceries.


Google is your friend when it comes to searching for grocery stores or healthy restaurant options. There are also several websites and apps that may be helpful for you:

  • FindMeGlutenFree - searches for gluten-free restaurants around the US
  • HealthyOut - helps you find restaurants that cater to your dietary preferences such as gluten-free, lactose-free, low-calorie, low-carb, etc.
  • Food Tripping - designed for road trips and helps you find alternatives to fast food

Traveling doesn’t have to derail your healthy lifestyle. By taking a little bit of extra time to plan, you can make sure you always have healthy food choices at your fingertips!