sanaia is a category-disrupting applesauce brand created by CEO & Founder, Keisha Smith-Jeremie. Capitalizing on trends such as the plant-based movement and the re-imagination of childhood treats for adults, the sanaia brand has the makings of a household name.

Keisha was the first to recognize that there were millions of applesauce-loving adults who were being completely ignored by the sector, and so she developed sanaia specifically with those adult taste buds and consumption habits in mind.

Growing up in the Bahamas, fruits have long been a savored indulgence of Keisha’s. Her favorite childhood pastime was climbing the fruit trees in her backyard, stuffing her little pockets with the sun-sweetened treasures of each season. She developed sanaia with the goal of creating a snack that proves what she has long known to be true- fruits are nature’s most delectable desserts.

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